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   日期:2024-04-03 04:33:40     来源:http://www.900614.com/    作者:小编    浏览:148    

30年前,保守党政治家Norman Tebbit——当时他是大规模移民的严厉批评者——提议对英的新移民及其子女进行板球“测试”。

Tebbit在接受《洛杉矶时报》(Los Angeles Times)采访时问到,当英国亚裔观众观看英格兰与印度或巴基斯坦的比赛时,他们会为哪支球队加油?


当这位保守党大佬在南安普顿进行测试时,里希·苏纳克(Rishi Sunak)穿着长袜子和短裤,但他觉得没有必要在文化之间做出选择。周末,苏纳克和他的家人会去当地的印度教寺庙做礼拜,下午则狂热地支持英超南安普顿队。


他在与利兹·特拉斯(Liz Truss)的冲突中竞选首相一职,但最终失败,这距离他上台仅仅三个月,而英国的财政状况自那以来已经严重恶化。他是七年来的第五任首相。请原谅一群厌倦且越来越愤世嫉俗的选民没有被当下的形势所席卷。

现年42岁的苏纳克是自1783年的小威廉·皮特(William Pitt the Younger)以来最年轻的首相。当然,他也是第一位非白人首相。他是第一个Y世代的领导者,也是第一个《星球大战》的狂热粉丝。





苏纳克年轻时在一家咖喱店当服务员,后来开始涉足理财,为母亲的药店管理账簿。他的妻子Akshata Murty是一位住在英国的印度时装设计师,也是印度IT女继承人。





Amid the chaos of British politics, it’s easy to forget just how extraordinary the rise of Sunak has been. Good-looking, petit and well-dressed, he became an MP only seven years ago. Four years ago, he was the most junior minister in the department for local government.

His star has risen quickly as others’ have fallen. But he does not have long to take it all in.

Although he won the overwhelming backing of Conservative MPs, Sunak is a divisive figure in the party, with many supporters of Boris Johnson accusing him of undermining his premiership when he quit as chancellor in July.

He now faces a daunting in-tray, including a crisis in the public finances, high inflation, stretched public services, industrial unrest, soaring energy bills and even the possibility of blackouts in the new year.

A fiscal conservative, Sunak has vowed to “fix the economy”, and promised in a statement on Sunday: “There will be integrity, professionalism and accountability at every level of the government I lead.”

As chancellor, Sunak put up taxes to try to restore order to public finances that were stretched by the COVID-19 pandemic.

But it is important to realise his political ideology is not that far away from Truss, who sent the markets tumbling with her pro-growth mini-budget which ultimately forced her to resign after just six weeks. Sunak, however, simply believed now was not the time to chase the radical growth agenda while inflation was soaring and government debt and deficit was out of control.

In just 84 seconds on Monday the new Conservative leader, who will be anointed prime minister by King Charles III on Tuesday evening Australian time, made it clear where his focus now was.

“We now need stability and unity and I will make it my utmost priority to bring our party and our country together,” he said. “Because that is the only way we will overcome the challenges we face and build a better, more prosperous future for our children and our grandchildren.”

Perhaps he will get one night to reflect on his achievement because, having inherited a divided party, nation and a sick economy, he may well tomorrow regret having put up his hand.

But who does he support when England plays India at The Oval? England, of course.

“That was just a very natural thing for me to do.”


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